Hyperscale Data Center: Critical Facilities of the Future - Telecommunication | Digital | Internet Speed Test

Hyperscale Data Center: Critical Facilities of the Future


Data Center

The data center has been a fixture in our technology-driven culture for decades, but as we enter an age where more and more of our lives are lived online, the need to provide reliable power and climate control to these critical facilities becomes even greater.

This cutting-edge facility was designed from the ground up to provide high availability service with a 99,995% uptime guarantee through a variety of innovative cooling techniques and by being powered by renewable sources.

Hyperscale data centers are typically hundreds of thousands of square feet in size and can house tens or hundreds of thousands of servers as well as associated network equipment.

40% Hyperscale data centers location are in USA, 10% in China.

Regular data centers are smaller in size, but their equipment still tends to be very power-hungry. Hyperscale data centers are larger in size and have the latest energy-saving techniques which help reduce their power needs.


What is a hyperscale data center?

Hyperscale data centers are built with this high availability and power efficiency in mind, as well as the ability to scale quickly and easily to meet the needs of their users.

The first of these hyperscale data centers were built by companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook in close proximity to reliable sources of renewable energy such as hydroelectric dams or wind farms.

As our lives move increasingly online, so does the data that we create. This data needs to be housed in a reliable and secure location, which is why hyperscale data centers are becoming increasingly important.

A hyperscale data center is a place where your data goes. It is important because your data needs to be in a safe and good place.

Hyperscale data centers can process more data than ever before and they offer companies access to supercomputer-level computing power.

Currently, data of hyperscale data centers around the world are in the range of about 1 million to 10 million square feet in size, but there is a move toward larger facilities.

Here's the growth of hyperscale data centers from 2015 to 2021:

Hyperscale Data Center
            Source : Statista

How are Hyperscale Data Centers Built

A hyperscale data center is built in a facility that is seismically robust and has access to renewable energy. The facility needs to be in an area with relatively cool temperatures. For example, Facebook’s data centers are in Oregon in part because of the cool climate there. It also needs to be in an area with good connectivity.

Data centers need massive amounts of power to work. This includes powering the servers inside the data center, powering any networking equipment used by the data center for service activities, and providing power for things like freezers where information can be stored for short periods of time if needed. Data centers generally require large amounts of clean air because they use so many fans to keep their equipment cool, which means that they can operate in areas where smoke and smog would normally be a problem.

Hyperscale data centers need to host a large variety of services which is why they are designed to support various server applications including email, messaging, voice over internet protocol (VOIP), video conferencing, websites, video hosting, cloud storage, enterprise applications, and social networking.

In order to increase the number of resources, each country should support the development of hyperscale data centers in their own country. It is also important that the government in each country should promote high standards for environmental protection and public health because these serve as a key basis for competitiveness.

Hyperscale data centers offer extra opportunities for the country. Not only do they provide more jobs, but they also give the country a chance to be more environmentally friendly. In addition, hyperscale data centers are important for the economy because they allow businesses to be more efficient and productive.

Infographic: Most Hyperscale Data Centers are Operating in the U.S. | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

The most important parts of hyperscale data center

The most important parts of a hyperscale data center are the power supply, the cooling system, and the location.

The power supply is important because data centers use a lot of power. The cooling system is important because the servers need to be kept cool. The location is important because the data center needs to be in an area that has good connectivity and a cool climate.

Why are they important for the future?

Data centers are critical facilities to our modern society. It's now impossible to imagine a world without data centers since they have now literally woven themselves into almost every aspect of our lives from social media, e-commerce, and online shopping, to smart materials in manufacturing and transportation as well as digital maps which need data centers to function properly. In fact, an astonishing 90% or more computing power is now being used for Big Data applications that have nothing whatsoever with traditional IT needs.

Hyperscale data center designs allow companies to invest in a single server using technology based on resources sharing including waste heat recovery systems and shared storage areas which dramatically simplifies their day-to-day operations while reducing costs.

Hyperscale data centers can benefit anyone

As society continues to evolve at an ever increasing pace, the need for big data will only grow more pervasive and companies around the world are quickly waking up to this fact. The simple truth is that everyone needs a hyperscale data center. In a hyperscale data center, ordinary users can enjoy better services and improved quality of experience, while businesses can reduce costs through data center consolidation.

One particular challenge cloud computing is facing these days is individual servers or storage units which are becoming outdated at an incredible pace. These units need to be replaced within months whereas it used to take years.

Some of the advantages of hyperscale data centers

Hyperscale data centers have many benefits including great energy efficiency, they can boost productivity, and boost competition among companies.

Hyperscale data centers are presented with new opportunities to collaborate with other companies on various levels which is why they are expected to play an important role in the future of e-commerce. This way, hyperscale data centers will ensure safe storage for information as well as provide other services that businesses need.

Some benefits of hyperscale data center are:

  • Flexibility. Hyperscale data centers can be built from the ground up to a customer's specifications. The customer can also customize the size and configuration of the data center.
  • Scalability. Hyperscale data centers are scalable so they can easily handle more bandwidth and larger amounts of storage for both today and tomorrow's demands. They can grow their footprint horizontally, which means more racks in a floor, or vertically, by piling on additional floors. This allows them to provide customers with an optimal cost per square foot for their specific needs.
  • Redundant infrastructure. Hyperscale data centers have redundant infrastructure that includes power, cooling, fire protection systems, security access measures, and telecommunications networks infrastructure to ensure they are always operating at peak performance.
  • Global reach. Hyperscale data centers are connected to the world by networks, so they can provide customers with global coverage. Customers can place their application in an appropriate location for their business needs, whether it's in the same country, across town or around the globe.

Many of the hyperscale data centers are built in the US because of their software and hardware expertise. They are built in areas where there is a lot of land and access to cheap power. However, China has started building them up as well.

Hyperscale data centers will provide flexible infrastructure options for companies looking to grow. By offering a scalable solution with a global reach, they are the mission-critical facilities of the future.

The challenges faced by these facilities in the future

Hyperscale data centers will have a continuously-growing demand for reliable power, cooling and bandwidth. They are also at risk of cyberattacks from around the world.

In order to provide these needs, it is necessary that governments in each country should support the development of hyperscale data centers in their own country. It will take years before this becomes a reality but there is work being done on developing standards and policies which can be implemented now to make sure this becomes a reality as early as possible.

The first and most important part of this standard is power, as hyperscale data centers use more energy than whole cities. Two-thirds of the world's electricity will be used by data centers in 2025. As such, it is necessary to work on developing better power sources like nuclear fusion. Countries must also support the development of clean coal generation methods and renewable energy sources to power these data centers.

Cooling is another important factor for hyperscale data centers. Many of the current methods, like air-cooling, water-cooling, and using outside air, are not suitable for massive data centers. The use of liquid cooling can help to solve this problem and should be promoted by governments.

Cyber Attacks Protection for Hypersccale Data Centers

One of the issues in protecting hyperscale data centers is to protect them from cyberattacks. The best way to do this is to have a team of professionals that are constantly working on improving security by finding any new vulnerabilities and also looking for solutions.

The facilities should be protected from cyber attacks by telecommunication network providers. These companies can help by providing a secure infrastructure that can protect the data center from any external attack.

Governments should also work with internet service providers to make sure that the traffic going in and out of these data centers is secure. By doing this, it will be less likely for any cyberattack to succeed.

Indonesia's Hyperscale data center

As one of the biggest countries, Indonesia has prepared to have one of hyperscale data centers. Telkom Indonesia, the state-owned telecommunication and multimedia company, the government of Indonesia has been working with Telkom Indonesia to build a hyperscale data center that will be able to handle the increasing demand for such facilities.

Telkom's hyperscale data center located in Cikarang, West-Java Indonesia, will have a capacity of up to 10,000 racks, 75 MW in area 65,000 meter square land, target meet international standard Tier 4 data centers.

This new hyperscale data center is not only for the Indonesian market but also for the global market. With this facility, Telkom Indonesia is ready to support the needs of the digital economy in this era 4.0. And as additional existing 26 Telkom's data centers.

For more information about data centers in Indonesia, check in this post.


Hyperscale data centers are the mission-critical facilities of the future because they offer a scalable solution with a global reach, making them the perfect choice for companies looking to grow. Hypersccale data centers will allow for the storage of digital assets that can be accessed anytime.

The data processing of big data is no easy task. It requires a lot of computational power and memory, which is why hyperscale data centers are so important. Not only do these data centers have the ability to store a large amount of data, but they can also process it quickly.

Big data is becoming more and more common, which is why it's so important to have a data center that can handle it. By using a hyperscale data center, companies can ensure that their data will be processed quickly and efficiently.

This will help to improve the overall performance of the data center and ensure that the data is able to be processed in a timely manner.

The capability of hyperscale data centers to offer global reach is an incredible asset. These data centers can be accessed by anyone, anywhere in the world.

Global access to hyperscale data centers will allow for the growth of the cloud computing market and easier communication among companies located all over the globe. Hyperscale data centers are impressive facilities that will continue to create a better way of life for people everywhere.